Outdoor Education

The mission of the Outdoor Education Centre at Camp Latona is to foster independence, inspire participation and build relationships among youth and young people. All of our activity programs are aligned to both this mission and the BC Curriculum for each class group. For over 60 years students have been coming to outdoor school at Latona beach, and this tradition coupled with our commitment to excellence makes for lasting educational opportunities.

The childhood, adolescent and youth years are a time of learning and adjustment. Away from the classroom, students have an opportunity to make sense of the world in their own individual way, establishing a sense of self through personal challenges and establishing new relationships with peers, others and the environment. We truly believe that holistic nature of the outdoor education program at Camp Latona emphasizes an opportunity for students to explore new horizons and apply new knowledge, skills and values to the world around them.

When children have the opportunity to be outdoors they actively strive to develop a sense of identity by establishing and extending personal capabilities. In many instances they are not only motivated by the personal pride that comes with achievement, but also by the feeling of social belonging that comes from taking part in enjoyable and meaningful activities with others. Being outdoors at camp gives the opportunity for a freedom that cannot be experienced in the city.

We are dedicated to the inspiration of youth, and the delivery of leadership opportunities to encourage participants to make wise and informed decisions. We truly believe that each group is different and we are committed to delivering each program catering to your specific needs.

When choosing your groups activities please update our office and converse with us about the significance of how those activities may help to reach the goals of your trip. In our experience we have found that each group size and type benefit from activities suited to their program with options for real development.